Remembering Mark

9 years ago today, Mark left us. It doesn’t seem possible it’s been that long.  He was a fun loving person most of his life. Creative too.  I thought today it would be nice to remember some of his traits. Shortly after he died, I wrote this poem about him. Please share your special memories too.

My Mark…

You came into this life with exuberance!
Always a smile on your face
A laugh in your throat
A twinkling in your eye
Enjoying life was your desire
Fun, friends, going, doing
That was my Mark.

Conformity wasn’t in your vocabulary
This life’s standards were not yours
Another era, another time, perhaps
Always you were searching for
One more golden moment.

When you became a dad
Your love for your sons ran deep
Very, very deep
But I hoped for more than you could be
Home, happiness, stability
You tried

A free spirit, my Mark

Before you left us, you said
“In another time I was given a choice,
Did I want happiness and fun at the
beginning of my life or the end?
I chose the beginning.”
For many years you enjoyed every moment
Living, laughing, loving
Hard times were not easy for you
Years passed, sadness emerged
Discouragement, depression were your companions
We all tried to save you from yourself

But to no avail…
The cancer came
It was your only way out
At 49 your spirit left this world
At last you were free again.

Thank you Mark for coming back
Telling me “That it couldn’t be better!”
You again are filled with exuberance
You gave me the gift of love
that special night
And now my dear son,
You are free to be yourself.

Until we meet again…

Love, Mom
(December 2004)

2 thoughts on “Remembering Mark

  1. Scott Rubarth

    Thanks for posting this. I think of Mark often and he sometimes even shows up in dreams. I can’t believe that he’s been gone for 13 years. I shall pour a Dionysian libation for him tonight!


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